
~ New~ Harvest Homestead ~

  'New' to me, but certainly not 'new' beans.
These are Fremont Beans.
These are heirloom beans that date back to the Fremont people.
They are a 'new to me' bean that is from a local 'new to me' company:
Near our new town, there is a great farm that grows wonderful beans, and produce, and herbs, etc. 
They are sold at a farmers market, which is where I bought the beans in bulk.
I made 'refried' beans with these beans and made them in the Instant Pot.
I added onion, garlic, chili powder, cumin, and a little cilantro. Once they were cooked tender, I blended them with the stick blender and seasoned them to taste with sea salt and pepper.
We had company for dinner Sat. and we served these beans along with chicken street tacos and they were a huge hit!

I'm so happy to have found this great farm and have linked the website above.

New views.
The picture below is overlooking our new backyard.
We are on just over a half an acre. 
About half of the backyard is grass (newly hydro~seeded)
and the other half of the backyard will be a potager style garden. 
My sweet husband has the tiller out and is working the soil.
Our house is located in a newer subdivision that was built on an old farm.
In fact, the folks that owned the farm live just a hop and skip away, and they are very happy and proud to have developed this subdivision.
 One of my favorite things about our new house is the nightly sunset shows. 
Every night, we have the most spectacular sunsets.
 We placed our wood swing on the patio, and it has become our new nightly routine to swing and watch the sunset.

New name for our home: Harvest Homestead

 ~We've planted 6 new trees. 
~My sweet husband has continued to place the privacy slats into the fence.
~ We have a 'new' clothesline. A friend was moving and offered to let us have their clothesline. It's now installed and I just need to give it a new coat of paint and new line, then it will be perfect.
~New this week: I pulled my car into the garage... hee hee.. finally after weeks of putting things away and emptying boxes out of the garage, I was able to make room for my car... Yay!

Wishing you all a happy week. 
I hope you are all enjoying the last weeks of summer.


  1. What a beautiful view you have and I will be trying the bean recipe. Can you share the exact amount of the ingredients?

  2. Hi Betty.
    This is what I did to make the beans : 2 c. sorted and rinsed beans
    5~6 c. water
    1/2 lg. chopped onion
    1 t. ground cumin
    1~2 T. chili powder
    1 t. dried cilantro
    Pressure cooked in the Instant Pot for about 1.5 hrs.
    Spooned off any extra liquid, then I blended the beans with the stick blender, and added salt and pepper to taste.

    There are some awesome heirloom foods on their website.

  3. The beans look and sound delicious. I like the name of your new home and the views are spectacular. I know the feeling well of emptying enough boxes that you can park in the garage!!!

  4. Seems like a lovely place to live. Beautiful sunsets to watch each evening.
    Much happiness to you in your new home.
    We have been in our new home one year already this month!!

  5. Kerin, it sounds like you have settled into your new home! I'm so glad. Such a lovely view. I'm back blogging again and your newest follower! ♥

  6. The views from your new place are beautiful! Glad you are settling in.
    The bean recipe sounds wonderful!

  7. Kerin, welcome to your new home and God's blessings be upon you.
    Harvest Homestead, I like that!

    Your views are spectacular and I can see why your evenings are spent in your swing. :-)

    Take care and much love to you~

  8. What a beautiful view you have, I too, am not familiar with these beans, but enjoy beans so much. I am interested in buying an instant pot. Thank you for sharing. My name is Sue, nice to meet you.

  9. Oh just seems like yesterday that you moved into your other house. I can't wait to see what you do with this one. A great view of the sunsets is worth it's weight in gold. With all the trees here I haven't seen a sunrise or a sunset in years! Enjoy!

  10. It looks wonderful. I love your pictures. I am so glad you are there now and I love your new name.

  11. Kerin, Oh, to sit and swing in your new yard must make you so happy. What a beautiful sunset(s). Harvest Homestead is such a perfect name. I can just see you there among the sunflowers and the beans. Is there going to be a giant involved?! Now, have I missed anything or have you not invited us into your beautiful new home yet? Please don't forget...Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  12. Wow! You have made some real life changes! I can relate. Your new place seems beautiful and I look forward to reading more about you getting settled in.

    I'll have to check out those beans. The refried beans sound delish!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. What a beautiful sunset to watch every night. I haven't heard of these beans I will have to check them out. Have a blessed Sunday!

  14. Such beautiful sunset pics.
    Hope you are continuing to settle in.

    M : )

  15. Your new place looks so beauiful.

  16. Good morning, Kerin~

    What a PERFECT name for your hew home. I pray you have MANY abundantly blessed years there.


  17. I am so happy for you! Sounds like you're spending lots of time making your new house a home, congratulations!
    God bless you,

  18. Beautiful! So looking forward to photographs of your new home and the area around it.

  19. Those beans are interesting. I have yet to invest in an Instant Pot cause it is just me and I really don't cook that much but I hear they make cooking time so much better. Loving your sky shots.

  20. Kerin, I can't wait to see what you do at the Harvest Homestead. What fun to be able to see everything through new eyes. Thanks for your visit and I love that arrangement in the metal container. Unfortunately, it is sitting on the game table, not the dining room table. My dining room table is loaded down with paints and stuff. If I'm lucky I may get it cleaned up for Christmas.. You must be enjoying those beautiful sunsets. How lucky you are..xxoJudy

  21. Hi Kerin!

    What a great find on the beans! I buy Anasazi beans, they are an heirloom variety as well, and I love them.

    Your new place looks wonderful...and you know me, I love the sunsets!! How wonderful to have enough room for a garden and a clothesline. So glad you are getting settled in and loving it!

    Hugs and Love,

  22. Hi sweet Kerin :) I'm so glad you're happy. THAT is the important part. Beautiful sunsets too!


  23. Hi Kerin - just popping in to check on you. Hope all is well!


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