
~ Plucky ~

Do any of you remember our hen, 'Poor Grace'?
For that matter, do any of you remember me??!!
Good gravy, it's been about forever since I last blogged.
There is 'settling in', and there's 'settling in'!
Well, truth be told, we're still settling in... *smile*.

Poor Grace was Plucky! 
She had that ole' wacky beak, and yet she persevered. 
She never gave up, and whats more, she became the most favorite hen of the entire flock... both people and the other hens loved her.

I've been considering ole' Poor Grace and her plucky character.
I need to cultivate a plucky attitude myself, and have resolved to do just that.... beginning right now!

Each one of us can determine to have courage in the face of the difficulties that we are going through.
Looking forward to many more hikes in our canyon.
I just had begun to explore our new canyon and new town, then winter was upon us. 

Oh what joy it will bring to enjoy the creek, the mountains, and the beauty all around. 
Our canyon is just a teeny bit up the road from our new home.
Our new town also has hot springs, and hot pools! They are lovely and the view from the hot pools simply cannot be beat... why, you can see our entire town, and surrounding area from the pools!
Simply the best thing has happened to us... we are expecting our second Grand. 
It's a girl this time, and we could not be more excited to meet her. 
She is scheduled to have her debut the first part of June.
Our sweet Liam will be a big brother, and some day he will teach his little sister how to catch a fish!
I'm missing our Grand!! 
I miss going to church, and especially going to the temple.
I miss all the 'normal' things.
 We all miss 'normal' don't we! 

Here's to my new plucky attitude :
* getting a garden in this summer...yay! 
We moved in last summer too late in the season to grow a garden.
*My sweet husband getting off the doctors list... I hope in May!
(He ended up with a twelve inch blood clot in his leg, just before Thanksgiving, but thankfully he is doing great. Taking his blood thinners and getting back to regular activities.)
*Taking lots of pictures, and showing you all around our new home and town!
* Putting a smile on my face, and happy in my heart, and finding a way to serve others.
 Because I sure can get bummed out, if I let myself!

Attitude of gratitude:
~ Grateful for this day. 
~Grateful for little seeds that are sprouting and hold so much promise for a great garden this year!
~Thankful for my 'consolation' gift from our daughter. The concert that we wanted to go to in Santa Fe was cancelled, and so she bought me the cutest t~shirt and CD from the "The Mavericks" .


  1. Sooooo good to see you, Kerin!!! It sounds like you are enjoying your new's gorgeous there!! I'm so glad that you and your husband are doing well. I know how hard it is to do everything and it's usually blogging that suffers when I get overloaded. Of course I love your, plucky attitude list, I can't wait to see everything!!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Hi Kerin

    So glad to see you! Sounds like you are a busy gal.
    Congrats on the new little bundle coming to your family.
    Very exciting for your family!

    Great list you made.

    M : )

  3. So nice to see you blogging again. : )
    Your new place sounds perfect for you with lots of places to explore. Much happiness to you and your family and congratulations on the new grandchild that is on the way.

  4. I miss so many of my normal things, too. I didn't think I'd ever miss riding the subway, but it's high on my list of things to do when it becomes possible again. So grateful for my cozy apartment and stores to get foods no farther than a block away. Also grateful that you're back to blogging.
    Take good care and a cuddle for Grace. Do you chickens like cuddles?

  5. Hi! I was thrilled to see a new post from you.
    Congrats on the new baby coming. So exciting!
    Your photos are beautiful. You have such a pretty place to walk.
    I'm missing our grands too. We did a Zoom video call with them last week. Yes, we all have to be plucky!


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Have a wonderful day.