
~ Joy~

{image from Pinterest}
  Oh Joy!
Christmas decorating begins, this day!
Boxes and boxes of decorations strewn throughout the cottage, and Christmas music playing.
Twinkle lights going up everywhere, candles on the mantle, and the Nativity gets set up.
What a wonderful season. What a wonderful time of year.
Joy, and happiness!


Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

          Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving day.

* I am thankful for my blog friends. You inspire me, you make me laugh, and there are moments that I cry with you.  Thank you for being my friends.

*I am thankful for where I am in my life now. 
I am so thankful for wisdom gained through years of experiences. For trials and blessings. For life's hills and valleys. The valley's in life, make the views from the hill's that much sweeter.
I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father; for the endless love and tender mercies that he offers me.
*I am grateful for Mill Hill Meadow.  I know that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.
That the past years of renovating, and moving, gave us experience, but we are where we will be throughout our retirement... in a home that requires no renovations. This home has been a joy to live in, and will continue to be a joy to live in.


Found! Newspaper from 1912

 Our youngest son, Spencer, recently had fiberglass insulation blown into his attic.
The contractor found a newspaper from 1912, stuffed behind a rafter.
Complete newspaper from 1912. 
We are pretty certain that the newspaper was intentionally left in the attic, at the time the home was built.
Just wanted to share a few snippets from the newspaper with you.
In the above advertisement, it list "piles" and "blood disease".
In case you are wondering about those old medical terms, you can google them.
 Date on newspaper.
The newspaper is from Salt Lake City, and the Spencer's house is quite a ways from Salt Lake City.
I imagine that the newspaper got to Spencer's city, all those years ago, by train.
 " A bank for women".... must have been quite progressive for it's time
as women didn't have the right to vote until the 19th amendment was ratified in August of 1920!
 Women's ambition.. to cook with electricity.
Our daughter read this headline, and chuckled. Her take on it, is that women's ambition is to make the men cook .... *tee-he**.
 Wonderful ad for a Hoosier cabinet.
I find it fascinating, that many modern kitchens are featuring built ins that are very similar to the early Hoosier cabinets, with "baking centers" being built in as a custom feature.
Old is new again, I suppose.
I have an old Hoosier cabinet that I use for storage and decorating purposes, but I can appreciate how convenient they must have been to have, and to prepare meals for a family with.
Ah... the Society pages.
Days gone by, certainly.
I can remember when divorces were also published in the paper.
We live in a small enough community that births are still published in the paper, and the literary club events, and obituaries.
There are no society pages published any more, however.

I made each page as large as I could, and I hope you enjoy looking through them

p.s. In the society page article, don't you just love the names??!! 
I've never met anybody named ' Senter'.

Attitude of gratitude:
~ I'm grateful for freezer meals. After 27, nearly 28 years of marriage, there are those days that I just can't think of anything to make, that I haven't made a thousand times.
That's where the freezer meals come in handy.  Made up before hand, and taken out of the freezer and cooked up in a jiffy.  I guess I am also so grateful for our deep freeze!
~I'm grateful for the sunshine. I am solar powered, and even in the winter time, I need a dose of sunshine. I find a sunny place and lay on the floor in the sunshine. Close my eyes, and instantly I feel like it's summer time. I am so grateful for sunshine!!


* Snug *

 As I look out the window, and across the meadow to the mountains,
 I see snow.
First measurable snow of the winter.

Winter is here.
Winter is here to stay.
Cozy corners filled with green plants and red geraniums.

 Looking out my kitchen window, I see a blanket of white.
Grateful for the herbs that are growing, and fresh on the windowsill.

Such a beautiful sight.
Outside, it's frosty and cold.
Inside, it's cozy and snug.

Today: Bake bread, plan weekly menu, read {must finish my book}
wrap a few gifts.

Attitude of gratitude:
* Feeling grateful for a warm home.
* I'm grateful for a warm fire.
* I'm so grateful that Brooke made dinner for us yesterday, while we were at church.
Nothing feels so welcoming and cozy, as walking in from a cold winters day to the aroma of a hot, home cooked meal.  She made us stuffed baked potatoes. So perfect on a winters day, and I am so grateful for her thoughtfulness.


Cement. Almost as scary as electricity.

There are two things that scare me, when it comes to renovations. 
Cement, and electricity.
 We've been renovating homes for well over 20 years. 
No biggie.

 On a perfectly peaceful fall morning last week, we decided that it was time to fix the stair.
That would involve concrete, and my anxiety level started rising.

I mean, concrete.... that's serious stuff. It is what foundations, and sidewalks, and roads, and hospitals are made with!!
Once you remove the concrete, then stuff collapses... right??!!
Whenever we have had to do electrical, or concrete on past renovation jobs, I leave. 
I scram.
Me? No where to be seen. I'll be back after the electrician, or cement truck leaves.
 This stair had cracked and separated from the other stairs.
Once upon a time, someone had run a rain gutter drain under the stairs. Good in theory... but not in practice. Even with the heating element wire that ran through the drain tube, there was at one time an ice build up, heaving and cracking of cement.
 We knew this would need to be repaired, when we bought Mill Hill Meadow.
We put it on the list, and planned to get it done before the first snow fall.
 OK. So, it's November, and the first snow fall could happen at any time.
**Called the contractor, ordered the concrete, and bust out the broken step and landing.
Spencer  {our youngest son} and my Sweet husband, and our daughter did just that.
I hid in the house.
I had fears and visions of the entire porch falling off the house.
There was such a void under that stair, that I felt certain that ALL the stairs were going to fall off the porch.
Then, maybe the porch would crack, and we'd have to replace it.... so forth, and so on.
Yep.. I managed to get myself in a twist!
 The back-fill required 9 bags of gravel..etc..
The contractor was scheduled to frame up the step and landing the very same day that the stair and landing were torn out.
It was supposed to be a 1 1/2 day to 2 day job.... max.
Sadly, the contractor got drug and kicked by his horse.  He is lucky he didn't break anything, or worse.
Still... it put him down for a couple days.
So... two days after the demo, then the forms went up.
Of course I felt terrible about the contractors accident, but I almost felt worse for myself.
 I  had nightmare after nightmare about our house falling down, or the porch falling off.
Finally, the cement was poured.
New step, new landing.
No crack.
No snow yet either..... thank heavens.
I do not consider myself prone to panic..... except in cases of cement work, or worse even.... electrical work.
After all, no one wants an incident of a falling down house, or an electrical fire, or an electrocution.
OK.... so maybe that's a bit dramatic.....
New day.
All is well in the world. The sun still came up the next morning.

We all have those little fears that trigger us.  It's not a health scare that is my trigger.....any more.... been there, done that, with Brooke's kidney transplant.
For me, it is certainty. If I am not 100% sure about something, I vapor lock.
I'm sorry.
I'm working on it.
I'm learning how to do the best I can, and not sweat the small stuff.

Attitude of gratitude:
*I'm grateful for each day. It may sound small... but each day really is a wonderful blessing.
*I'm grateful for chocolate pie.
*I'm grateful for good books.  This time of year is wonderful for me... piles of wonderful books, just waiting to be read.


Sharp as a tack!

Three sisters, ages 92, 94, and 96 live in a house together. One night the 96 year old draws a bath. She puts her foot in and pauses. She yells to the other sisters, 'Was I getting in or out of the bath?' The 94 year old yells back, 'I don't know. I'll come up and see'. She starts up the stairs and pauses, 'Was I going up the stairs, or down?' The 92 year old is sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of tea listening to her sisters, she shakes her head and says, 'I sure hope I never get that forgetful, knock on wood'. She then yells, 'I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door'.


| Hello November |

 “A thankful and a contented spirit is a continual feast. We ought to be contented, and we shall be contented, if we are in the habit of seeing God in everything, and living upon Him day by day. Oh, for a spirit of true thankfulness!”
Ashton Oxenden, A Happy Old Age    

Hello November.
A time to reflect. To think about all that we are thankful for.
To appreciate and have gratitude for all of our many blessings.
May this month be filled with thankfulness.

 Views from Mill Hill Meadow, above.  Snow clouds and a dusting of snow across the mountain tops on this fine November day.