
Milk jug mayhem....and sweet potatoes.

Milk jugs have been our preferred way of starting seeds in the Spring time.
They are in-expensive, and readily available and they work perfectly like mini greenhouses.
That is, when you remember to save them.
I'll admit, sometimes I'm just to pragmatic for my own good! As soon as the milk jug is empty, I crush it and put it in the waste can.
Too many times, I've been chastised about not saving the milk jugs.
I'm finally getting better at saving them. 
The above picture is an idea that I saw on Pinterest.  It is perfect solution for us and the way that we start our seeds. 
It solves the problem of where to place said milk jugs, and seed starts once you fill up a couple dozen old milk jugs.
This week, I'm determined to get a milk jug rack made.
It will be nice to corral the milk jug mayhem that prevails each Spring time.

 As many have asked about the sweet potato starts, I thought perhaps a bit more info. would be helpful.
These sweet potatoes are pictures of my starts from last year.
My goodness, I remember thinking after a few weeks had passed that the idea was not going to work.
Then, one morning as I refreshed the water, much to my delight I saw tiny little white root sprouts.
I had just about given up hope of the idea of starting my own sweet potato slips.
I'm so glad that I exercised patience.

SO,  this year.. I'm determined to be patient and keep fresh water in my jars, and keep the jars in a sunny window
Actually, I'm also going to begin some more sweet potatoes and do it just a bit different and see what idea works the best.
 I'll keep you posted.

Unfortunately.. I forgot to take pictures of the slips once they grew.  We ended up putting the slips in the garden and they grew wonderfully.   Then... the pumpkins took over and we never did check to see if we had sweet potatoes.  It was one of those things.
The point is, that the slips grew wonderfully, and beautiful vines formed. 
Perfect for planting in pots
That is my goal this time around.
To grow slips for potting and using in a decorative manner.

Attitude of gratitude:
~I'm grateful that we were able to get the Dr. orders faxed and Brooke's blood draw done.  She had a kidney transplant and once you have a transplant you have to see the Dr. and have blood draws like...........forever.
~I'm grateful for the rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains.  My Heavenly Father loves me so much. He knows I long for green grass, and that my soul cannot take any more snow! For now, I am blessed with  a winter break. 
I'll take it,  and be grateful for every single second of it!!
~I'm grateful for a kind friend that stopped by yesterday, and gave me her old dining room table.  So excited that I can have it for Spencer's house.  We're going to give it a make-over so that it fits in with his colorful, fun, and happy décor.


Spring Fever

There they are.... perched on a windowsill.
Sweet potatoes in old canning jars.
Guess you could say I've got a bit of Spring Fever.
Green, and growing things would be most welcome.
I'm over the white blah of winter.
 Looking past the sweet potatoes, you can see white snow covering the landscape.
We had a couple of new snow storms this past week; like many places across the U.S.A...... evidently, winter is not over!

Last year, I started sweet potatoes in March, and they never really took off very quickly.  I'm hoping that by starting them much earlier this year, they will get a chance to really sprout, and get growing.
Our daughter snapped this picture of the snow-laden trees on her way to work. 
Hence the somewhat blurred picture....
While the snow is pretty, and the winter-blue color is somewhat magical... I for one,  H8SNOW !!
{***next time I get a new vehicle.. I think I'll put that on my license plate }

Attitude of gratitude:
~I am so grateful for my faith.  This has been a week of remembering to trust in the Lord. To do my very best, and He will make up the rest.  I need to remember that every single day!!
~I'm grateful that while we have new snow fall for the growing months, that the storms have cleared out and the sky is blue.