
~Sunflower Power ~

Seeking sunflowers.
Sunflowers have the power to make me smile. They are such cheerful flowers and they are solar-powered, just as I am! 
Whenever we are out for a drive, if I see sunflowers, I take a picture.
The above Sunflowers peeking over a fence.

These sunflowers were planted by type in a row, and I really like the way that they look, so much so that this spring I am planting a row of sunflowers along a fence line in this manner.
 From dark to light-colored sunflowers.
 They won't all necessarily bloom at the same time, but the effect is so pretty to see the different types growing together that I'm going to give it a try.
I like the row of zinnia's in front of the sunflowers as well and may go that route too.

This is one of my 'Fuzzy Face', or 'Teddy Bear' sunflowers from last summer.

 I always save seeds from flowers and found an entire container full of sunflower seeds, in addition to the specialty types that I have purchased. 

This summer will be all about Sunflower Power~!

An arrangement I made from flowers growing in our own yard. 
 A huge deal, considering when we bought this house in July of 2019, there wasn't a flower anywhere on our property.
Slowly we've cultivated gardens, planted trees, established perennials, etc. 
Even now, there are nearly 2000 daffodils and tulips pushing up through the soil that we planted. 

I've thought about what I want to focus on for this upcoming growing season, and the thing that I am going to grow the most of is sunflowers.

Today: It's drizzly and the sky is filled with puffy clouds in ombre shades of gray and white.
          ~ It's a perfect day for clam chowder
          ~ Baking Dutch oven bread
          ~ Reading a cozy murder mystery, and sipping on hot milk with cinnamon and a teeny bit of natural maple syrup.


  1. Kerin, I can't wait to see how your sunflowers grow. I always promise myself that I will do better in the garden each year, but so far haven't succeeded. We hope to do a little transformation in the garden this summer so we shall see..Your's, on the other hand, I know will be so beautiful..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  2. Sunflowers are always so happy and they always make my day too. I think its great that its a clam chowder kind of day. Lovely photos.

  3. I love sunflowers too. I used to have them growing so tall but since we moved I've not been able to grow them. Ground very rocky here!!

  4. You've done so much flower planting since you built the house! I love sunflowers too. It's the flower of Ukraine too.

  5. Oh how pretty your flowers are! I love spring. What is your mystery book?

    1. Hi Angela!
      It is a series called Secrets of Mary's bookshop, and it is the book 'Reading the Clues', by Charlotte Carter.
      It is the kind of mystery book that is a cozy read and no gruesome junk.

  6. Hi Kerin. I do love all those sunflowers. They are so bright and cheerful!

  7. Good morning!

    I am so glad I took time today to blog visit, it has certainly been awhile. It is rainy and very dreary here today and I am taking care of our youngest grandblessing who is not feeling well. Seeing the sunflowers was EXACTLY what I needed to give us a little lift.

    We pray you have the most wonderful day!


    1. Hi Laura!
      I'm so sorry about your Grand, and I hope that your Grand is feeling better soon!
      I'm glad that these sunflowers brightened your day :)

  8. I loce sunflowers, but probably because I live in Kansas. We've grown them for as long as I can remember. I have photos of my dad's sunflowers he grew (he died in 2012) that were 20' high! He was quite the gardener. My son and I have grown some pretty tall sunflowers at his house over the years, too. We always save the heads to start the next year's crop, plus to break up and pass on to friends. Sunflwoers are some of the easier flower to grow, and lots fun to boot! Have a blessed week!

  9. Love seeing your sunflowers. I always enjoy seeing them, especially as they symbolize hope for Ukraine.

  10. Sunflowers are such a sunny, cheerful flower aren't they, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    I hope you are enjoying you murder mystery book.

    All the best Jan

  11. Your yard sounds spectacular! I used to plant sunflowers every year and then one year they were eaten before they were an inch tall. The next year too. And the next. I never did find out what critter was eating the tiny plants so I finally just gave up planting them. How do you keep yours from being eaten?

  12. Oh my goodness- I feel the same way about sunflowers!


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