
~ Summer Scrapbook 2 ~


Beautiful summer sky. 
I can't remember a year when I've enjoyed summer as much as I am enjoying this summer.

Sitting at the kitchen table, I can hear the pft~pft sound of the pressure canner.
Turkey vegetable soup is being processed. 
My second pressure canning session of this summer. 
I am so rusty where pressure canning is concerned, so I've been doing small batches to remember and tune up my pressure canning skills.
My first batch of pressure canned goods was some boneless country-style spareribs.
They turned out wonderful, although I had a bit more siphoning than I wanted. Too hot of a burner... this time I'm trying to find the sweet spot on the burner setting.

Morning sky view, from my front porch...
Along our walking path, early in the morning. On this morning, we could still see a bit of the smoke from the fire over by Fillmore, on the other side of the west mountains. Quite a long ways from where we live, but the smoke was quite visable in our valley. The fire is completely out now, thankfully.
Our view from the front porch... mountains and more mountains.
Also, our neighbor's pasture for their two mules... that "HEE~HAW" so loudly in the morning, and see their chickens running around.

A good yard~sale find ~another puzzle by Eric Dowdle.
I've been collecting these puzzles whenever I see one for a good price at a yard sale or at a thrift store.

Turns out that our one white rose bush produces long-stemmed roses. What a treat!!
Another morning sky over our subdivision.
Another early morning soak at the natural hot spring . We only soak our feet and legs and watch the sun rise over our valley.

We have enjoyed taking our side by side aka : the scooter, up the canyon for morning rides.

The red barn. This is the red barn at a new RV park in town, where we can go for BYU Creamery ice cream. It's a real treat!
Growing up in Provo, and with my mom working for BYU, I have always been a fan of BYU Creamery ice cream, so all these decades and decades later to have a place for delicious ice cream in our little town is awesome!

We are big fans of popcorn. We recently bought 40 lbs of popcorn, We have Sam's club membership that we can order from and free shipping right to our front door. Sure makes it nice, especially with gas prices being so high and we are at least 2 + hours from the closest Sam's club.
We have a Whirlypop popper, and we love, love popcorn made in that thing! It's wonderful!
Along a 'country road' drive a day or so ago, we saw these hay bales being wrapped with patriotic mesh. How fun!!
Newest members of the family .. two border collies. Brothers.
We are training them and they are so smart!!
They will be outside dogs, but house trained so that when the weather is too hot or cold they can be inside.

Ye olde pressure canner **smile*.
I have a goal of emptying one of our freezers and canning all of the meat in that freezer. 
A few more yard sale finds... this glorious rooster and a wreath as well.
I don't know about where you live, but where we live, the yard sales have been few and far between. Not a ton of great stuff at the thrift stores either. I feel like folks are hanging on to their decor and deciding that they can live with their choices ...for now.
I did give one of our daughters in laws some darling country blue dishes that she has long admired. I found them at a yard sale, new in the box, last summer. 
She was tickled with them and I was happy that she was happy!

This week ~~ more canning. 
                 ~~ more cleaning out borders..trimming and weeding, etc.
                ~~ painting the garage side of the laundry room door. Really needs a re~fresh!
               ~~ beginning the process of switching around the library for my office. 
              ~~ morning walks and country drives, and watching the sunrises and sunsets.


  1. Hi Kerin. You have some beautiful pictures in this post. I love your yard sale finds, especially the Eric Dowdle Puzzle. I have several of his puzzles. So glad you are having a good summer. It looks like you are staying busy. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  2. I've been enjoying summer too! It's supposed to get really hot and humid this week, but I try to remind myself of snow and enjoy it.
    Your photos are so pretty!
    I would like to get a pressure canner and can meat and meals. Your spareribs sound wonderful and so does the soup. I'm impressed! :)

  3. So you made soup. How nice! I am half afraid of my pressure cooker too since it has been so long for me too. Wow, the mountains are beautiful. What an incredible view you have ever day. Those are the cutest puppies ever. I love that rooster and the wreath. So many things to see and talk about. I hope you have a lovely day today.

  4. Wow what beautiful views!!!
    Amazing skies.
    The puzzle looks like a challenge.
    Love to see the rolled hay.
    Oh your new puppies are soooo cute. I want one.
    What are their names?

    1. Timber and Tucker are the names of our pups :) Tucker has the mostly white face.

  5. Hi Kerin~ Wow! That's what I have to say about your beautiful views...they are gorgeous! Summer has been long and hot and I'm ready for fall. I'm not ready for snow, but ready for cooler weather. What a great goal to clean out the meat in your freezer and can it! I still have such a problem eating meat and I hate it just sitting in the freezer...I may have to can it :0) Your pups are so cute, Tucker and Timber, what cute names...I love Border Collies! Same here with thrift stores and yard sales, I can never find anything worth buying. The popcorn makes me so sad that I can't eat it anymore. After Covid, it tastes like black pepper to me, and not in a good way, but I still have hope that one day I will be able to eat it. The roses are beautiful, how wonderful to have your own long stem roses. What a beautiful post, Kerin! Have a wonderful rest of your week! Hugs, Barb

  6. Hi Kerin. Sounds like you are enjoying the summer time and making the most of it. Dangling your feet in the hot springs sounds like heaven. You really live in a beautiful area. Love the two new additions. What fun..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  7. What a great post! And blog too. There are so many things on your profile page that could or should be on mine as well. Wow on those views!

  8. Hi Kerin: I am sitting on your shoulder! Your summer sounds like heaven and looks like it too. Enjoy the pups, not the work! We got one too and he is inside all the time. Lots of fun even though..xxoJudy

  9. Hi Kerin - just stopping by to say hi and I hope you are doing well!


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