
That time again....

Time for Fall cleaning, and making preparations for Winter.

My Fall Cleaning List includes :
~Cleaning out cupboards and sorting .
~Organizing the storage room
~Organizing the granary
~Cleaning out and organizing the garage
*** etc.. etc..

~Making freezer meals, and crock pot meals to fill the freezer.
~Making and freezing breakfast burritos
~Organizing my canning shelves.
***etc.. etc..

Need to :
~cut, split and stack some more firewood.
~have chimney re-lined
~winterize garden beds
~ finish painting a few things outside

Etc.. etc.. etc..

I'm diving into Fall cleaning and organizing today.
I'm hoping to get everything polished, and sparkling clean, and organized, in order for our home to be cozy and comfortable during the cold winter months.

*Does everyone do Fall cleaning too, or just Spring cleaning?

Attitude of gratitude:
~I'm so grateful for the desire that I have for making our house a home for my family.
It's important to me to have our home feel welcoming and peaceful.
Call me old fashioned.... but, it's a nice feeling for me to have everything clean and organized.
When the snow starts to fall, I like to light candles, and click on lamps and have our home feel cozy and warm and welcoming. 
For me.. it will have that feeling, once I get everything scrubbed, put in it's proper place and organized.


  1. Sounds like your going to be very busy cleaning! Have fun ;-)

  2. I've always enjoyed cleaning, scrubbing and then sitting back and enjoying an orderly home! Hope you all are healthy and enjoying the holiday. Do you have a favorite scented candle?

    1. Oh yes..
      I love "Spiced Wassail"... made by Salt City Candle Co.

      I really like the food and spice scented candles.
      Cinnamon, clove, pumpkin, etc.
      Also.. fresh pine, around Christmas :)

  3. Looks like you've got alot of work ahead of you, but it'll all be worth it in the end!

  4. I love fall scented candles- especially pumpkin spices- I can't wait until fall arrives!

  5. You put me to shame...I want to be neat, organized and clean...but life happens! I am running out of energy. :(

  6. Just got done doing some of that cleaning for the month of August. It's worth the work to have a clean and tidy house.

  7. Glad I was sitting down when I read your post. I'm tired just reading about all you have to do. Splitting wood has never been on any of my to-do lists. I've noticed many ladies mow their lawns too. I'm proud of myself when I put out the trash barrels!

  8. I love fall cleaning. It sets my home aright for cozy winter months. Spring cleaning is a time to refresh after months evenings around a warm fire. :)


  9. I clean and organize whenever there is a need and I get time. I'm like you, I like a clean and organized space. I convinced my sweet hubby to clean of a shelf in his "man cave" room this weekend and consider it quite a victory! Enjoy what's left of this long Labor Day weekend and have a good "rest of the week."

  10. I do a fall cleaning and sorting, not as much to do then in the spring. I have begun, garage is cleaned, kitchen partly done, drawers here and there, the big jobs are the attic and basement. Oh my, it feels so good to clean, pitch, organize!

    The garden house needs a complete sorting out and clean up, outdoor winter cut back is a process . . . cutting back, splitting, replanting. Again, it feels so good!

    I am so grateful that I am able . . .

  11. Fall is my favorite. I don't think you are old-fashioned at all to want to make it cozy. I am starting my projects too. I think I'll write them down like you did so it doesn't seem overwhelming. Happy Fall!

  12. I am feeling like a slacker. I need to organize the cupboards and cabinets. I love getting the garden and perennial beds ready for winter so that in the spring, there is less work.

  13. Happy fall cleaning!! I did do some fall cleaning and organizing. Have a lovely week!! xo Heather

  14. Sounds like you have a plan, Kerin!
    I try to do fall cleaning too.. and I love that feeling once you feel like the house is "up to snuff"!
    And we've been trying to get our wood supply ready ahead of time and get some other things done to the house that need attention before the cold gets here... it's never-ending!

  15. Wow, you are really ambitious, Kerin!
    I do spring cleaning and then if companies coming,
    I do the whole thorough job again then.

  16. You are going to be very busy. I never have the energy to do big cleaning jobs. I have to do a little at a time.

  17. Hello Kerin, I have always been a "spring cleaner". I think the prospect of sunshine has always made we want to clean my windows, organise our wardrobes, generally "sort things out". I will have to think about autumn cleaning. I will copy your list and see what needs doing. I love winter when curtains are drawn, the lamps are on, candles are glowing and we are warm and cosy inside our home. Best Wishes Daphne

  18. You are a Proverbs 31 woman without a doubt. =D I know your family appreciates your wonderful, hard work to make your house a home. blessings ~ tanna

  19. I love fall cleaning. A good time to put away summer decorations and get out the fall decorations. I got my garage organized. Now I need to shampoo carpets and get blinds cleaned.

  20. Hi, Kerin
    I do want to clean things up before the cold weather sets in this fall. Some things were put off when it was hot and sticky and should be done, like painting jobs, while I can still open the window. Perhaps I'd better make a list!

  21. Oh my... to cross off everything in those lists would be wonderful..
    Good for you dear Kerin...

  22. Hi Kerin!

    Your list makes me want to get things done at my house! I too love to have my home clean and comfy. I love candles, and Autumn is definitely the time for yummy smells and comfort food...dang, just when my diet was going so well... or not!!

    Loved your cleaning list, I have mine started, now I have to get moving!


  23. Oh no, it's not time for fall cleaning again is it? I think down here in Arkansas I can put it off a while. I do so love to read your posts. You are very uplifting

  24. I really got in a cleaning frenzy the other day, my husband asked me if I was "nesting"? I sure hope not?? My mom always wanted everything perfect in the house for Christmas and started working hard in the fall. Your list reminds me so much of those days. Must be something in the air that makes us want to prepare for winter...


  25. There must be something in the air that makes us want to prepare for winter. That list will keep you busy but I know you'll get it's that "never sittin'" thing!

  26. You sound busy!
    I do Fall cleaning when I am finished with canning.
    I like the feeling of closing up the house.

  27. It's that nesting instinct that happens to me.
    Looking forward to some quiet time and cooler weather.
    Lots of changes go on in our house to get ready for the cooler months.

    M :)

  28. Just catching up AGAIN! LOL! Our lives have been so hectic lately, I just love moments of being able to catch up and feel so inspired. Kerin, you are amazing at all the things you get done!! I do feel a little like a slacker when I compare what I get done with you. ;) I love the name, Grace for the little crooked-beaked hen. so perfect. Hugs for missing your Dad; you are a good daughter. blessings ~ tanna

  29. I just did a post today on my Fall cleaning too. Great minds think alike!

  30. I seriously need to print your list and mark them off as I do my chores.

  31. I feel exactly the same way! I used to be so good at it too but then the family left and I got sick and got behind in everything. I am starting to see a comeback now but I just have so many priorities and then there's the weather to schedule around but I love it all! I love "cozy and warm" in the Fall and Winter and like you I have little lamps around in corners and candles with great smells of Fall and then battery candles in high places and nooks and crannies. Happy Fall to you my friend!

  32. Been getting some fall cleaning done. Mostly dusting ceiling fans and walls and ceilings. When my daughter and her boys move out and into their own house the end of this month, I'll really get some stuff done!


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